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Found 38658 results for any of the keywords crew hospitality. Time 0.011 seconds.
Cabin Crew & Hospitality ManagementThe world of Air Hostess/ Flight Steward or Purser is a glamorous one. Here you need to have a perfect mix of beauty, brains and etiquettes.
Welcome To All India Aviation AcademyEstablished Since 2005, a excellence in the field of training aspirants for Aviation & Hospitality (Airline, Travel, Tourism and Hotels).
Travel And Tourism Courses | Diploma & Degree In Travel And Tourism MuTravel & Tourism is India's one of the Fastest Growing Industry. Blue Whale Academy is one of the top Travel & Tourism Courses provider in Mumbai. Click here to Join best Travel & Tourism Academy.
About AIAAEstablished Since 2005, a excellence in the field of training aspirants for Aviation & Hospitality (Airline, Travel, Tourism and Hotels).
Airport & Hospitality ManagementAccording to the CIA World Fact book, there are nearly 45,000 airports in the world, with about 346 of them in the INDIA.
Commercial Pilot TrainingIf flying is the career that you have chosen, you have taken right decision to land at AIAA.
Hotel ManagementProfessional hospitality education and training today have assumed significance catering to the global hospitality industry and other service sectors.
Bachelor / Masters of Tourism ManagementProfessional hospitality education and training today have assumed significance catering to the global hospitality industry and other service sectors.
Travel & Tourism ManagementTravel and Tourism is the largest industry in the world. According to World Tourism Organization survey there are more than 1, 50,000 vacancies.
IATA Foundation/IATA Consultant- The Travel & Tourism Industry and the Travel Professional,- Geography in Travel Planning 1
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